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Top Private Banks and Top Wealth Managers Strategic Market Insights reports

Since its launch in 2012, the Top Private Banks and Wealth Managers Survey has become a cornerstone in the wealth management industry. Now in its 13th year, the survey draws on extensive feedback from wealth managers, private banks and their clients. This year’s participation was remarkable, with 12,317 clients contributing to the survey.

Our reports have three sections:

Section A: Industry performance across awards

    • A thorough assessment of the industry’s performance in various award categories.

Section B: In-depth industry analysis

    • Market share analysis
    • Fee and pricing models
    • Onshore vs offshore investments
    • Emerging developments and trends in the wealth management industry

Section C: Full survey results

    • Detailed survey results for the industry, benchmarked against data from the past four years where available.


For only R30,000 gain the insights you need to excel in the private banking or wealth management industries.

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