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Quality in times of crisis

With Covid-19 wreaking economic devastation across the globe, investors are grappling with what the future holds. In this time of heightened uncertainty, this crisis highlights the critical importance of quality research, which the Financial Mail-Intellidex Ranking the Analysts survey identifies.

This survey has been the leading assessment of investment banks’ stockbroking businesses for more than 40 years. It stands out as the definitive judgment on the performance of the sharpest financial analysts in the country.

Intellidex was chosen as the partner for this prestigious survey having developed a solid reputation for research, particularly within the financial services industry. The rankings and other results presented in this survey are drawn entirely from a confidential questionnaire process conducted with the domestic institutional clients of investment research and stockbroker firms.

Standard Bank SBG Securities is the top-ranked firm for research in 2020 for the fifth consecutive year. This overall team award is based on consolidated scores for all 40 research categories, with team scores used rather than those of the individual analysts.

RMB Morgan Stanley retains second place, while Renaissance Capital (Rencap) moves up to third from fifth last year, displacing UBS South Africa into fourth spot. Avior Capital Markets and Absa Capital both moved up two places into fifth and sixth respectively.

For the report as published in Financial Mail, click here.

For further information on the Ranking the Analysts project, click here.