Two major Intellidex projects were concluded within a week, with gala award dinners held for the Most Empowered Companies survey on October 30 at The Venue in Morningside, Sandton and the SAVCA Industry Awards held at the Hilton Hotel, Sandton, on November 7.
Intellidex, Empowordex and Independent Media have been collaborating to produce the Most Empowered Rankings since 2014 as part of their efforts to continue driving and inspiring real transformation practices. Empowerdex conducts the research and Intellidex produces the editorial report, a pullout supplement distributed in Business Report.
The Most Empowered Company of 2019 is construction group WBHO with another construction company, Aveng, having the highest black ownership. Click here for the full survey report.
Intellidex conducts the research process for the SAVCA Industry Awards, which recognise excellence in the spheres of private equity and venture capital investments. The winners were Aerobotics in the start-ups category, DSES Project Solutions (small companies), Real Foods (medium-sized companies) and Meridian Consolidated, which won the Chairman’s Award for overall excellence. Click here for more information on the awards.