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Fezeka Thwala

Analyst, Impact investing and ESG

Contact Details

First floor, Building 3
Inanda Greens Office Park
54 Wierda Road West
Sandton, 2194
South Africa

Tel: +27 (0)11 084 5200


[email protected]

  • Market research
  • B-BBEE

Fezeka is a research analyst with experience in designing, testing and piloting surveys, desktop research, data analysis and report writing.

She studied at Rhodes University where she graduated with a Bachelor of Social Sciences in Political and International Studies and Industrial and Economic Sociology, a Bachelor of Social Sciences Honours and Master’s in Industrial and Economic Sociology.

View the work Fezeka has done on: Top Private Banks and Wealth ManagersSanlam GaugeTop Securities Brokers and Mobilist Institutional Investor Capital Allocation Strategies.